Monday, May 18, 2009

26th of April of this year, just about 3 weeks ago Edouard was born, turning me in an uncle~! This didn't happen in Australia, where I'm living at the moment or even in Italy where our family lives, but in Canada, Montreal, where he born surrended by people who already love him, and were long waiting for him to come~!

But for as many were ready to hugh him, as many were far apart, like me for instance. Anyhow few hours later a text message travel all the way across half the world and pingponging from country to homes finally reach my mobile phone making me aware of the blessed event.

I felt and still feel quite sorry I won't be able to meet my nephew for many more months to come, and if is true I won't hugh him for now it's a fact that just few hours after his first angry scream I was already able to admire his pictures just logging into my~facebook and even before ever speak since the birth with my brother or Caroline I found myself watching a video on Youtube celebrating Edouard first 48h.

Then because I've linked the video immediately after on My homepage, thousands of more people connected through various accounts could became aware of what had just happen, and virtually join me.

So I'm entitled to say that when my nephew made his debut in this old world with as mush vehemence he made a second one in the new one that only exist online which doesn't belong to him or neither to me but that everyday more and more skim his border from the one on this side of the window.

Now even if I must admit to be highly addict to the real~live~life and I hardly can imagine myself without a mobile phone, there`s been a day not much long ago when this was not true, when things were running slower but still pretty much in the same direction. My generation has grown up without those tool and then, found itself a shortcut to boost what we normally were used to do or eventually we would do even without.
I'd like to remark ~eventually~ without because could you imagine yourself seeking for a job without internet~? Or starting a relationship and being put in the situation when you canNot phone your partner~? Do you actually have anymore a partner if you don't specify that on your social~network~profile~? How do you relate now days to somebody that was your friend once until you had a fall out~?

If the answer is to removing him or her from your friend list, cutting this person out of your virtual social network, does that means you will not speak with together anymore when you bump into each other in real life~?

So for my generation those tools have been very useful indeed on the first place, but they soon became important as much as the message they are carrying and like the old and still unbeaten pen if used in the wrong way can be very very dangerous.

My question is what does wait tomorrow the generation that like my little family member has just born online and will not have any memory of a past without an everyday and everywhere full on connection~?
I can see and fear social networks growing much beyond today level and to play a prime~time role on our real~time~life.
I fear that we may interact just through social networks, opening the door to a world where whoever and whatever is cut off of the net doesn't exist anymore.
So Edouard I simply wish you what I do wish to myself, that is:
Be able to get the most out of those tools to express ourself, because they are powerful and could help us to reach millions in a twinkle, but at the same time never stop to relate to people on real life and don't forget to live yours.

A presto.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


As you guess, I read your blog and obviously I'm far from being completely agree with you!!!
The first part is a nice one and I understand that for you it's great to have internet and the phone to get in touch with your brother and his baby. In this case, new tools are a real advantage and a good thing.


I don't understand you when you say that you were happy that many people looked on youtube to see the video. I think it's a privilege for the family and "real" friends but not for "virtual" friends as we know that a lot of people are just curious.

I'm not sure that internet is a real social link. I think people are getting addict (as you mentioned, you're one of these) and it's becoming completely stupid. I know that we spoke about that before, but take the example of facebook. You told me many times that I had to accept everybody as friend as you do: NO WAY!!! During our travels, we meet a lot of interesting people with who we share really nice moments. But, if it's only like an evening or few hours, I don't think it's a real relation and at the end it's only a virtual relation on facebook.
Obviously, I won't say that it's not a good invention as I'm using it myself but which kind of relation people have? From my point of view, we need to get in touch with people meeting them and sharing moments.

I know you're an addict of the phone and I'm far from being one (i think).
I noticed when I travelled in Oz during the last 2 months with more than 6 weeks without phone and internet that I was lost at the begining but finally really happy. I was just enjoying life, discovering a new country and sharing real moments with the people I met during the trip. These people had no internet and honestly, they were happy and maybe more than a lot of people with internet.
I'm just wondering why we need to ask people their phone number or email as soon as we meet them as most of the time we will never ring them. I think that we need to enjoy the moment.

Also, if you were in front of me when you said: "Do you actually have anymore a partner if you don't specify that on your social~network~profile~?", i would scream on you. Maybe it's true for you but not for everybody and not for me. Why do you need to share with everybody the fact you have someone in your life? or whatever it is; i just took your example.
And the example of the job, you know as me that it depends on the countries. In Oz for example, it s better to go directly to the company. Now employers receive so many cvs by internet that they don't care anymore.

Maybe you will hate me now I told you all that or maybe you did not finish to read my email...)-
I could speak about this for ages and give so many more examples but I know you will still have your point of view (and that you won't change it) and that's why it's interesting to meet people and share.

Hope you're not too bored and I'm obviously happy for you. I know it's brilliant to be able to see your nephew growing up so far away from you.

Hope the new generation will realize that internet is not the only way to communicate!!! as that there are so many ways to do it.

Take care and ENJOY LIFE!!!!

Carpe Diem